Trump Brings His Trademark Incompetence Roadshow to England

Trump Brings His Trademark Incompetence Roadshow to England

The Donald is in England. I repeat, he has arrived.

Before a dinner at Chequers, the Prime Minister’s country residence, The Donald gave an interview to the Sun where he said Theresa May was making a meal out of Brexit and that it had scuppered a chance of a trade deal.

Days earlier, he had threatened to leave NATO.

He was an uncomfortable buffoon at the dinner. Sitting U.S. presidents are usually a welcome thing. But, many people at the dinner rated him very much a sub-par experience.

Though, at a press conference the next day, he finally backed down and apologised for the Sun interview. I can’t remember Obama giving the Sun an interview.

The Baby Donald Balloon has been flying high in London. The Donald described it made him “feel unwelcome”.

No shit, Sherlock.

All in all, The Donald’s visit to good old Blighty has gone about as well as we could have imagined.

The U.S. presidency continues to be this comedy sketch that’s been playing far too long.

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