Trump Greets Queen Like She’s a Commoner

Trump Greets Queen Like She’s a Commoner

When The Donald met the Queen, not only did he keep her waiting for 15 minutes, he shook her hand and didn’t bow. And then Melania didn’t curtsy.

Let me remind you that this was a meeting of two heads of state (remember that Theresa May acts on behalf of the Queen) and there are hundreds of years of protocol that exist to respect Her Majesty.

This shows a level of disrespect for the Queen of England, the U.S. closest ally, the other member of the two members of the Special Relationship.

This is either a symptom of The Donald’s approach to breaking all conventions, or a sign of how clueless he and his time are to how to go about world diplomacy.

It’s very slight, but see Obama in 2009 bowing to the Queen and Prince Philip.

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