Tag: hansard

Commenting on HANSARD

Commenting on HANSARD

We want to support your comments, but we also don’t believe that we, or your eyes, should be open to spam.

All of our articles will be open to comments and discussions, as long as the following requirements are met:

  • You are a registered WordPress user – sign-up is pretty easy, allowing you to comment on a large number of website built on the WordPress platform
  • You are not abusive to other HANSARD readers – this will lead to you being black-listed from the comments
  • You are not using our comments sections to promote your own website / company – linking to your own article is accepted, but we will review to gauge whether this is only being used as a self-promotion tactic.

Why All The Rules?

The unfettered Internet can lead to large-scale trolling. Check out 4chan for the unfettered Internet.

We believe in the free and open Internet. But, we also can’t handle the large-scale abuse that can come with. For that reason, we have a gateway to entry that is pretty easy to get through, but gives us a semblance of control to correct wrongs when they happen.

It’s all in the interest of building a health community where comment is accepted, but abuse is dealt with.

Launching HANSARD

We are approaching an interesting time in our history. With the EU Referendum just around the corner. With nationalistic politics become ever more popular around the world. With tensions increasing between Russia and the rest of the world. With China awakening from its isolationist slumber.

Combine all of this with the demise of the traditional press’s ability to hold the Government to account — it’s up to us to ensure the right questions are asked, that events are commented on in a balanced manner, and that the public is educated on complex issues.

The aim of HANSARD is to be a place of intelligent comment and news on world events, UK centric politics, and matters of society.

This will be covered through the lens of the general public, rather than that of the establishment, or the traditional press, who live in that world.

Comments will always be open, discussion will be encouraged, and humour will always be slapped over as much as possible.

Will HANSARD be a movement for a change? No. Instead, it aims to inspire the kind of commentary that will help others to feel motivated to do their part to ensure we all live in a better world.

HANSARD is written and performed by KG Heath and Daniel Pennifold. 

KG Heath is an author, podcaster, and Digital Health professional. You can download his debut novel here. He is based in London, England

Daniel Pennifold is a finance professional with an MA in European Integration & European Politics, and an MS in Finance & Financial Law. He has spent time living in China and currently resides near London.

What does HANSARD mean?

“Hansard” is the verbatim, edited report of proceedings that occur in the United Kingdom House of Commons and House of Lords. You can learn more here.